Air Purifier Shopping Guide In 2022

Air Purifiers are offered in various models and include a wide range of unique features to satisfy your cooling requirements. In addition, there are many brand new ones available in the market, and all are trying to grab your interest.

To help you make the best choice possible for the latest Samsung air conditioner price in Bangladesh, we have some more details below to help you make the best decision for your selection.

There are a lot of ideas on air purifiers.

Types of Air Purifiers

Portable Air Purifier

Like their names, portable air purifiers can be relocated from room to room. This means they do not require a permanently installed, which is why they are one of the most sought-after selections for renters and homeowners.

Another benefit of portable purifiers for air is they aid in keeping your energy bills under control. This is because it is possible to chill a bedroom in a specific area and concentrate the airflow instead of using systems that cool an entire room.

Portable Purifiers do not require a permanent installation, but you'll need an area to let out heat. This can be accomplished by using an exhaust hose fixed to the window sill with an installation kit for windows.

Portable air purifiers aren't built for big bedrooms but should you be cooling rooms that extend to more than 400 sq. feet, you might be thinking about a different kind of air purifier.

Window Air Purifier

The window air cleaners were made to be hung on the windowsill. They remove hot air from the back while directing cool air into your room from the front.

The Air Purifier units are extremely efficient in cooling rooms from small to huge and are available in various BTU sizes that will best fit the specific room's needs.

It's a breeze to set up an air purifier in your windows and is among the reasons they're so popular. The majority of devices can be put up within 20 minutes.

They also come with many features, such as different cooling options and adjustable fan speeds. They also have different sleep settings and timers that can be programmed. They are also Wi-Fi-enabled, which can be controlled via smartphones or voice commands.

Air purifiers for windows are usually the least expensive option. Cooling a bedroom won't make a huge difference to the power bill.

Split Air Purifier

Air Conditioner price in Bangladesh that are split can be highly efficient in cooling and heating the bedroom. They're a great option for garages and rooms that aren't equipped with many windows.

Samsung Split AC


The systems are divided into two pieces. The first half is mounted on an internal wall. It acts as a cooling system. This is referred to as the evaporator. The other part is located outside, and it is the one that is the power source for an internal unit. The compressor is also known as the compressor.

Each component in the entire system is joined through the refrigerant and power line.

Although the process is straightforward enough, the split air purifiers take time to set up. You might even have to engage the assistance of a professional to get the job done right.

Features to Think in a New Air Purifier


A cleaner for air must be strong enough to cool your bedroom efficiently. Any device that is too small will require longer to run and will cost more money in terms of power usage.

In this regard, it's crucial to consider the size of your brand's newly purchased air purifier.

There are two aspects of this requirement for size. The first is to make sure that the cleaner you select can fit in your window or fits in your room without taking up enough space. The second is to look at the amount of BTU s your air purifier can handle. BTU is the higher number higher, the greater the size of your bedroom it can effectively cool.


Another thing to consider when deciding on the best air purifier is whether you will require it to be transportable. Portable air purifiers do not require a permanent installation. It can be transferred from bedroom to bedroom easily. Window air cleaners, however, aren't able to be moved easily.

If you're not overly concerned about moving your air purifier from the bedroom to the bedroom, then a permanently-installed air purifier would be fine.

Power Efficiency

There are things that you must be aware of when considering power efficiency:

It is important to keep both as low as you can. It's a good idea to search for an air purifier with a high energy efficiency rating.

If you cannot find any information on the efficiency of your air purifier, you can use a simple formula to determine its efficiency rating. Simply divide the amount of BTUs by the power consumption. The result will be an accurate reflection of the energy efficiency.

Temperature Range

Temperatures are getting more unpredictable, and you might be in a situation where your bedroom gets hotter on one day but cooler on another day. Make sure to take note of the temperature range that your brand new air purifier will provide.

The ability to adjust the temperature can allow you to set the ideal indoor temperature to suit your individual preferences instead of relying upon the same temperature throughout all summer.

Also, an air purifier that includes a heating element with an adjustable temperature can help you warm up your bedroom in the winter months.

Noise Level

Suppose you're contemplating installing an air purifier in the living room. In that case, however, you'll need to be in a position to read an e-book, play a smart tv or engage in conversation with the air purifier, not affecting your surroundings.

Also, an air purifier in a bedroom should be quiet enough to continue operating without disrupting your rest.

Luckily, Midea ac price in Bangladesh have been designed to be noise-free and work at the same level of decibels on average as normal conversations.

Wi-Fi Enabled

A few air purifiers on the market today have Wi-Fi connectivity. You'll have to consider whether this is the right option for you.

It is possible to operate it and control the functions using your phone. This will allow you to turn it on and begin it up even when you're not in your home.

A few air purifiers that are Wi-Fi enabled provide access to specific options within the unit itself. This includes creating customized cooling schedules during the week.

Additionally, many purifiers with Wi-Fi connectivity are compatible with an interactive virtual assistant that the voice can activate. This lets you operate it with your voice, allowing you to have the most convenience.


It's always good to find out what warranty your air purifier has. While most cleaners are covered for a couple of years, it often only covers specific parts or the outer casing, so studying the small print is best.

You should ensure that the warranty covers your entire system over a long time. It doesn't just cover you for repairs or replacement if something goes not right but offers you additional value for your money.
