Top Fridges For 2021, Shopping Guide

This freezer shopping guide will help you discover the right size and type of freezer for your needs.


It would assist if you picked the right size freezer for your house before you shop. You can select the freezer's capacity in liters depending on how many people you have and how much storage space you have.

A large freezer is required for a more well-off family. It will cost more than the smaller size. A family of three to four people will need 150 liters up to 210 Liters.

A 250-liter to 310-liter capacity is suitable for families with six or seven members. Ideal for singles or bachelors, a 50-liter to 80-liter capability is sufficient.

Power efficiency

The smart freezer's efficiency can be expressed in star ratings. You can see the label in the top right corner. Choose a high star rating to maximize savings.

A freezer with a high star rating will cost more than one with a lower star rating. When shopping, be aware of how much power the freezer uses each year. You can choose from either a 4-star or 5-star rating for the latest Hitachi fridge price in Bangladesh.

Frost-free and direct cooling

Two types of air circulation exist inside the freezer.

Direct cool freezers

Direct cool freezers allow air circulation to occur naturally, without the need for external support. However, this system has one drawback: uneven distribution of air.

Ice cubes can form in your freezer due to their uneven distribution. Therefore, you will need to defrost them at regular intervals manually.

Direct-Cool technology in freezers has some benefits. They are also more economical and use less power.

Frost-free freezers

Frost-free freezers do not cause frost or ice to form. The electric fans can be used to circulate the air. This technology has its advantages.

Frost-free smart freezers are more expensive than direct-cool. In addition, because there are fans, it also consumes more power. But, on the other hand, it does not require any fridge burn.

Different types of door styles

After you've selected the location and dimensions of the freezer, it is time to pick the perfect door style for your cookhouse. You can use the following knowledge to discover the smart Samsung fridge price in Bangladesh.

Single Door

This is the most popular door type for smart freezers and can be found in most homes. Because it is smaller, it is ideal for families with two or more people. It has a capacity of between 160 and 285 liters.

This guide defrosting refrigerator is located on the right. You will need to push a button to freeze the ice. It is a single-door freezer with limited storage options.

Double Door

Double doors are more general and offer more storage space. The refrigerator is located at the top. Primary fresh food storage is found in the freezer.

Samsung fridge


Refrigerator price in BD is ideal for 5-6 people and has a capacity of between 230-410 liters. A double-door freezer requires more power to work.

Double-door freezers do not require manual defrosting and are frost-free. The cool air is circulated uniformly by the unit without forming ice cubes.

Side by side

The fridge can be seen on the left and the freezer on the right. Although side-by-side freezers can be more expensive, they are easier to use and allow you to position your meal items at eye level.

Side-by-side freezers have several racks and plenty of space. These freezers are ideal for families with seven to eight people. It is made up of water and ice containers. It is too large to fit in a small kitchen.

French door

It is known for its design and practicality. For instance, it features a separate door for the freezer and fridge areas, located at the bottom. Unfortunately, only a few brands have the latest French door design.

French door freezers have many advantages, including larger door bins, more storage space, and deep storage space that can be used for large racks and frozen meals.

Compressor required

The compressors maintain the temperature of smart freezers.

A compressor operates at constant temperature and speeds. Therefore, it can run faster even if there is no cooling loss and shut off when the temperature is optimal.

Inverter compressor

The inverter compressor, on the other hand, uses variable speed depending on the cooling. As a result, inverter compressors operate slowly and will only accelerate if there is any cooling loss. The inverter compressor thus saves more power.


Many freezers come with a shorter warranty. Always select a brand with a longer warranty. If there are any problems within the warranty period, a longer warranty will save you money.

Final Takeaway

We have finally landed on the smart freezer list. It is now your turn to make your purchase amazing. You can proceed if you've rearranged your mind and are ready to shop among the smart freezers.



# Deep freezer price in Bangladesh
